Vegan Las Vegas: VegeNation and Violette’s Vegan

Vegan's guide to Las Vegas

If there’s one thing I love more than cooking vegan food, it would be: eating vegan food.

That’s why travelling is one of my favorite pastimes! I get bored with our limited selection of vegan food here in Arizona, it’s awesome to experience different regional takes on food!

This last road trip we took was to the fabulously vegan Las Vegas!


Killer Vegan Deals at Costco (Breakfast Edition!)

Killer vegan deals at costco (breakfast edition!)

Many vegans don’t realize, but Costco is vegan heaven-on-earth! We’re talking bags of organic food the size of small children (for a fraction of the price!).. What could be better!?


Vegan Companies: Stop Betraying Your Customer Base!

Vegan Companies stop betraying the vegan community!

Did you hear that McDonald’s added a vegan burger to their Norway locations?

Vegans rejoice! Times are-a-changin’!

Isn’t it awesome when non-vegan companies start adding animal-free options to their selection!? I would never eat McDonald’s, but it shows they even know which way the world is headed. (Whether the “carnists” like it or not.)

With this enthusiasm we feel as a vegan community, how are we supposed to feel when we’re “betrayed” by a vegan company?


Frugal Living for the Budget Vegan

Vegan living on a budget. My guide to living frugal while following a vegan diet. Tips on eating organic, DIY, online shopping, and more!

Have you ever been told “Veganism is just for rich, white people. I can’t make the change because I’m on a budget.”?

Well, I have. And I’m f*cking tired of hearing it!

Here’s the deal:

Veganism is for everyone. Regardless of your ethnicity, food budget or whatnot.. and I’m here to prove it to you!


Spring Cleaning with the Best Vegan Cleaning Supplies + Giveaway!

SPRING VEGAN CLEANING SUPPLIES. Cruelty-free, zero waste, vegan, and eco-friendly products for a beautiful sparkling home.

It’s that magical time of year again! Flowers are blooming, the kids are out of school, and your house still looks like it’s on lockdown for the winter. OH NO!

What did this season signal every year growing up?

Spring cleaning!

Unfortunately, things are a little different now that I’m an eco-conscious vegan. (No more mom telling me to hose down her silk plants!)
Most of all, no more Pine-Sol and Windex.. we need healthier alternatives that work just as well!


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