Homemade Vegan Dog Treat Recipe (with Nut Pulp!)

Homemade vegan dog treats made from nut pulp!

Have you ever seen a homemade vegan dog treat recipe so delicious that you question who it was made for? Now you have! These DIY dog treats are so delicious and easy to make, you might just try a bite! Even better, they’re made with leftover nut pulp! Reduce, reuse, and recyyyyyycleeeeeeee! ????


Vegan Dog Cupcake Recipe (Carrot & PB Pupcakes!)

vegan pupcake recipe

This dog cupcake recipe (a pupcake recipe, if you will..) is perfect for celebrating your fur-baby’s birthday, adopt-iversary, or pretty much anything! With peanut butter, carrots, and hints of cinnamon, your pooch will go nuts for these simple treats. We made these for our pup’s second birthday, and she practically inhaled hers!


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