Zero-Waste Disneyland Trip: Tips for Success (+10 Things Disney Could Do to Help)

Vegans and Zero-Wasters deserve vacations, too! Whether you’re planning a trip, or being dragged on a family vacation.. Disneyland doesn’t have to ruin your zero-waste lifestyle. In fact, there are several ways you can ensure success.. And even more ways Disney could help us out in the future!
Ways to Make Your Zero-Waste Disneyland Trip Successful
First up are the ways YOU can prep to make the most out of a zero-waste Disneyland trip. As Benjamin Franklin put it;
In short: set yourself up for success!
Say No to Plastic Water Bottles
It’s a no brainer: but bring your own reusable water bottles, people!
Not only are you going to save $6+ per bottle, you’re keeping all that plastic out of landfills.
Most helpful: Disney has been implementing more and more filtered refill stations! This makes it incredibly easy to top off your water without a nasty chlorine taste.
Do yourself a favor and pick up a Hydroflask before your zero-waste Disneyland trip!
(More on this later..)
Say No to Plastic Utensils
Next on our list is to pack your own utensils!
Now, thanks to Disney, most of our meals did come with metal cutlery (this included counter-service locations!).
That said, a handful of locations still use plastic.. Especially the dessert stands like Dole Whip and Adorable Snowman.
It never hurts to be prepared!
Say “Yes” to Reusable Straws
Another great thing to pack? Your reusable straws!
Now, don’t get me wrong: I’m beyond happy Disney decided to ditch plastic straws in favor of paper.. But have you ever used one?
These suckers (hah, get it?) literally degrade within half of the drink.
Where does this leave guests?
It’s normal to see people grab 2-3 just to make sure they can finish their drink.
As you can imagine; this isn’t the most environmentally-friendly option.
Skip the paper, and go for a straw kit (with the handy cleaning brush) like we did. It takes 5 seconds to wash them out and pack away afterwards.
Meal Prep for Ultimate Control
Still worried about extra waste? We all gotta eat!
My solution:
Meal prep before you head out for the day!
It takes all of 5 minutes to prep a PB&J in your hotel room, seal it up in a silicone baggie, and you’re set!
Depending on how soon you plan on eating it, it might be smart to invest in a cooler pack.. Sure, they’re plastic, but at least they’re (almost) endlessly reusable.
Best of all:
These silicone baggies can be used time and time again.. One day you can fill it with cut fruit, the next trail mix! The options are endless.
Ways Disney Could Make a Zero-Waste Disneyland Trip Easier for Guests
So you’ve packed your water bottles and straws, but what else is lacking?
How can Disney help their vegan and zero-waste guests?
Water Refill Stations
First, we’re gonna circle back to the water refill stations. YES! I love that Disney is adding more of them throughout the park.
Is 5 enough for a 500 acre park?
Absolutely not.
Get with it, Disney!
If our tiny, local airport can have double what your parks have; we have an issue.
“Can’t you just use the regular drinking fountains?”
One: Have you ever tried to fill up a Hydroflask at a drinking fountain? You’re only gonna get half-way before it starts spilling out because of the haphazard angle you’re forced to hold it at.
Two: Do you enjoy the taste of chlorine?
In short: We need more filtered refill stations. And while you’re at it, please add the ability to search for them on the Disneyland app and maps.
Sure, you can see all drinking fountains, but I’d love to be able to sort through and find filtered ones.
On that note: I’d also love to see more cast member education regarding their locations. It was very hit or miss, depending on whom we asked, whether we’d get directions or help.
For example: a cast member on Main Street told us the only refill station was in Galaxy’s Edge.. Which is:
- On the literal other side of the park, and
- Not true
Hydroflask Collaboration
Speaking of Hydroflasks, I’d love to see Disney bring them into the parks!
Branded.. Unbranded.. I don’t care! Guests need the option to buy a quality reusable bottle in the parks.
“But Nick! I saw bottles for sale!”
Yes, but the ones available in the parks are all cheap plastic with unconvincing, flimsy-looking lids.
Do I want my lid popping off on the Matterhorn!? God no!
I’d love to see:
- BPA Free, stainless steel bottles with
- Secure, sealing lids
Story Time:
Of course I came to the park prepared with my Hydroflask.. But unfortunately, in the course of asking three different cast members where to find refill stations; I set it down somewhere.
And, if you’re at all familiar with Disney policy; you know they threw it out as soon as it was found.
On one hand: good on ya’ Disney for maintaining such a clean park.. But it was seriously 2 minutes!
In short: It’s a sanitary issue for them to keep water bottles in the lost and found. I understand, but it’s heartbreaking!
Don’t lose your precious water bottles at Disney, people!
Unfortunately the closest replacement I could find was a much-too-small bottle from Starbucks in Downtown Disney.
That’s right: I had to leave the park to find a suitable, leak-proof water bottle.

Photo Credit: The New York Times
Invest in Solar
Okay, okay, okayyyyyyyyyyy. Disney: we need to talk.
Walt Disney World in Florida generates enough solar electricity to run 1/4 parks completely green.
But what about Disneyland California?
Apparently, they installed panels on the Radiator Springs Racers showbuilding in 2016, but “no further plans have been made”.. Why not Disney?

Haunted Mansion Aerial View of Show Building
There are so many more (unsightly) show-building roofs available throughout the two parks.. Let’s get more solar online and power these parks greenly!
Aside from show-buildings, why not build covered parking structures that encase solar panels?
The possibilities are endless!
And what’s more “California” than solar/renewable energy!?
Let’s Talk About Paper Maps..
We all love the souvenirs, I know!
But is there a reason Disneyland puts so much emphasis on them?
I seriously doubt every guest walking through the gates needs a map.. Especially with so much functionality in the Disneyland App!
My suggestion:
Make maps slightly less accessible. Making people ask for them ensures that only the people who really, truly want/need them get them. There’s no reason for someone to be handed one just to toss it in the first trash they see.
Most importantly:
Can we switch the maps to recycled paper?
I understand this brings costs up, but paired with the above strategy it could balance the cost/demand ratio back out.
Ban Plastic Bags
Aside from plastic straws: we need to see an end to the American plastic bag obsession.. And this includes Disney.
You’re telling me that all 215 Disney stores in North America have phased out plastic.. but the parks can’t?
California State banned them, but both Disney parks happily dole out plastic bags like they aren’t massacring the oceans.
It’s 2020, time to end these shenanigans.
Let’s bring in some adorable themed paper bags for guest use!
“But Nick! Paper bags are more expensive!”
Then charge guests 25¢. This happens at every other store in the state, Disney shouldn’t be the exception.
Looking for a strict zero-waste Disneyland trip? Bring your own reusable bags!
Update the Autopia Cars

Let’s just pretend this is real.. Autopia sponsored by Tesla!
Ah, Autopia… That debated ride people either love or hate.
Personally? I’m indifferent.
As a kid I was too convinced I’d crash, and as an adult I can’t bring myself to finally do it..
What keeps me away?
The noise and the smell.
Have you ever stood in a garage with a lawnmower running? No? Because it’s stupid to breathe in gasoline fumes?
Exactly my point.
The solution to both these problems:
Switching Autopia cars to electric.
- It’s literally the future
- Less environmental impact
- Less noise
- Zero gasoline fumes
What’s not to love??
Most importantly:
Did you realize all of the submarines used to be Diesel powered? Could you imagine the smell!? Talk about a removal of immersion.
What happened?
The original submarines ceased use in 1998, and when Nemo took over the lagoon: all of the submarines switched to electric. This was “an environmentally friendly move that also reduced noise.”
See where I’m going with this? Autopia is both noisy and smelly… Something Disney has dealt with resolving in the past, with another Tomorrowland attraction no less!
Introduce Composting
Next we have one of the strangest things missing from Disneyland Resort: a composting program.
Sure, my first thought was “What if people don’t know how to compost? What if it’s too confusing?”
Then I remembered: this is California we’re talking about.
These are either Californians (which, shame on you if you don’t know about composting), or guests visiting. And guess where else visiting guests have to “deal” with composting bins?
The airport.
That’s right: people flying into California sort their compost, but can’t continue that practice inside Disney?
For heavens sake, Disney World has an entire bio-gas facility ran off food scraps!
Why not do the same thing in California?
Even better, let guests simplify the process by having dedicated composting bins at restaurant locations.
Straws first.. Lids next?
While we’re on a roll of banning unnecessary plastic: let’s talk about lids.
Ever since Disney banned straws, Starbucks has offered sipper lids as an alternative to the hated paper straws.
Sure, these new lids are nine percent less plastic than the former, but you know what’s better? 100% less plastic.
Do we really need sippy lids?
Can’t we as adults be trusted with an open cup?
It’s not like these lids prevent spills or anything.. Literally the definition of a waste of plastic.
Now, this is a no-brainer: It’s time to end single-use plastic.
And while Disney has vowed to reduce the amount of single-use plastic: this seems to apply only to straws.
What else is plastic-laden?
Disneyland’s massive grab ‘n go selection.
We’re talking:
- Cut fruit
- Overnight Oats
- Salads,
- Etc.
Now, some of these are even vegan options.. But with the amount of plastic waste I couldn’t bring myself to buy any of it.
The solution:
Find alternative ways to package these foods. A company like Disney certainly has the resources necessary to tackle this issue.
And if you must rely on plastic, compostable/earth friendlier bio-plastics exist for this exact reason.
Now, I know bio-plastics aren’t part of a strict zero-waste Disneyland trip, but moving the general population away from single-use plastic would have massive impact.
Tomorrowland Is Missing.. The Tomorrow Aspect
Remember when Tomorrowland opened?
Weren’t there?
I’ll fill you in on the details:
Tomrorowland has always had a focus on sustainability and education.
Don’t believe me?
- How else can you explain scientific-based attractions like Adventure Thru Inner Space?
- Why are all the plants in Tomorrowland edible?
Because sustainability is the future, and Walt knew it!
Unfortunately, as many guests are well aware: Tomorrowland is a sad shell of the land it used to be.
No longer do we have an emphasis on education or sustainability. In fact, this land might as well just be “Star Wars Land II”.
My solution:
Disney needs to realign themselves with the message of tomorrow.
Veganism, sustainability, and eco-friendly-ness are central to this plan.
Did you introduce bio-plastics throughout the parks? Switch Autopia to electric cars?

This isn’t a real logo, but could you imagine!?
Tomorrowland is the ideal place to educate on why this choice was made.
What impacts will it have? How did science enable us to solve this problem?
The list goes on and on.
And if you read my post about what vegan options we need at Disney: you know that I want to see vegan companies like Daiya incorporated into their story of tomorrow.
Disney is Always Looking Toward the Future
Listen: I know it sounds like a lot of complaints.. It’s quite the opposite!
Disney has proved time and time again the dedication they have to sustainability. Do they have room to improve? Heck yes. Don’t we all, though!?
I have no doubt that, given the time, Disney will remedy these issues (and many more we can’t even imagine).
Regardless, you now have four tips to make the most out of a zero-waste Disneyland trip.. And 10 huge ways Disney could help their vegan/zero-waste guests out!
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