Brewing Kombucha at Home: How to Grow a SCOBY!

After my post on Starting a Continuous Kombucha Brew System, I had plenty of people asking for a more in-depth look on how to grow a SCOBY at home. After reading about Kombucha’s plethora of beneficial enzymes, probiotics, vitamins and antioxidants, I don’t blame you!
Brewing Kombucha (using a continuous brew Kombucha system!)

You would have to be living under a rock to have not heard about Kombucha (pronounced kom-boo-chuh) by now. It seems to be everywhere! This 2,000 year old fermented tea has definitely been gaining serious attention recently due to its heath-benefits, not to mention the delicious tangy taste! This guide will answer all of your first-timer (or even pro!) questions about starting a continuous brew kombucha system.